Npower Rejecting All LOA’s

150 150 David

While we have successfully submitted hundreds of LOA’s (letter of authority) ever since joining the industry 19 years ago, over the past few weeks Npower has made it a sport to systematically reject almost all of our LOA’s presented, citing the new GDPR regulations.

While we strongly support data protection, business has to continue to operate and rejecting a valid LOA can result to customer’s going unnecessarily out-of-contract and/or Npower missing out on their opportunity to quote for a lucrative business.

We call upon Npower

  1. To show some flexibility and only to reject a LOA where there is reasonable concern of its validity
  2. Instead of simply rejecting a LOA, they should find a way to verify  it’s validity by checking company director details, contacting the customer and if available comparing signature with other correspondence from same customer
  3. Make good on their promise of Account manager to speak to the customer to verbally validate the LOA when tel. no. has been provided as requested

Alpine Utilities will not hesitate to escalate the matter, should a customer get negatively affected by their new policy.